Eating Disorder Therapy Services

Individual Eating Disorder Therapy Services are great for client’s struggling with:

Anorexia Nervosa, Bulimia Nervosa, Binge Eating Disorder, Orthorexia, Bigorexia, Steroid Use, Unspecified Feeding and Eating Disorder, Compulsive Overexercise, Chronic Yo-Yo Dieting, Weird Food behaviors, Body Image Distress, Nocturnal Eating, Food Distress, Poor Body Image, Emotional Eating

What’s it like to work with an eating disorder therapist at Recovery Unfiltered?

Lauren Ball Las Vegas eating disorder therapist.

It’s pretty cool.

Your first meeting (or 2) starts with an assessment (don't worry it's not a test). Your therapist will ask you a smattering of questions about yourself and your life (some general and some a bit deeper). She will also ask about the embarrassing things you are doing, so she can get an idea of what it’s like to be you at your worst (your therapist is not judgy and promises not to make you feel like a weirdo). If you aren't comfortable telling her all the details yet, that's totally cool too.

Once she gets a decent picture of your story, She’ll encourage you to identify exactly what parts of that story you’d like to change. Most importantly - how will you know when you are done with therapy? ​

Therapy can feel great at times, so we understand why you might want to see your therapist indefinitely, but that’s probably not going to benefit you as much as recovery and actually moving on with your life. The day you show up to session with nothing to talk about is a good day for your therapist.

coffee cup and tissues

It also sometimes blows.

Let us explain. Sometimes you show up to therapy feeling great and by the end of it you’ve uncovered a plethora of baggage you didn’t know you had. Maybe you’ve gone through a whole box of tissues. Your dog is even a bit concerned (the benefits of being virtual).

Look at it this way, if you hadn’t showered in 10 years and you were covered in many layers of dirt and grime and then one day you finally took a shower…. you might look down at the muddy shower water and think “This shower is making me dirty!”

While therapy can be rough and you might just bring up crap you had neatly stuffed away in the depths of your brain for the last decade or maybe 3… the feeling of finally getting to the other side of your crap can actually be quite freeing. Life might seem lighter, quieter, more appealing. You might quit using food to cope. Or you might quit freaking out every time you have to go out to eat.

But….. we aren’t going to lie to you, you could feel like a hot mess on the way there.

Lemme guess, you are a special kind of irreparably screwed up.

We’ve heard that before. Some of us felt that way too. That could very well be true, but it’s not likely. How about we start with an assessment and you can let us be the judge of that.

We provide therapy services to adults and teens living in bodies of all shapes and sizes. Eating disorders don’t discriminate. You don’t have to be a toothpick to deserve help.