Eating Disorder Treatment Services

Eating Disorders Suck.

Your treatment team doesn’t have to.

Located in Las Vegas and serving all of Nevada and Florida virtually

woman eating donut and apple

We get it.

You’ve been hiding your food, weight and body image distress from the rest of the world for fear of looking like a total freak.

You don’t have to hide anymore.

At Recovery Unfiltered, we specialize in all all kinds of food, weight, body image and exercise conundrums. We know what it’s like to feel out of control around food. We know what it means when you say “I don’t trust my body”.

Eating Disorders suck, but your treatment team doesn’t have to. We are real people that get it. We stand behind a realistic, practical and no bullshit approach to recovery. We will challenge you, hold you accountable, laugh with you and teach you to celebrate the little shit.

At Recovery Unfiltered we offer all the services you need to get over your food, weight, body image, and exercise distress without ever leaving your home.

Recovery Unfiltered is a one stop shop for all of your eating disorder recovery needs. We are located in Las Vegas and serve all of Nevada and Florida Virtually. We offer Individual therapy, education, non-diet nutritional services, recovery coaching, support groups, skills groups, intuitive eating groups, and text support. All services are offered by highly trained professionals via our HIPAA compliant Telehealth platform, making your treatment process exponentially more convenient and less time-consuming than other treatment facilities.

Contact us.

Recovery from an eating disorder is hard. Regret is harder.